Tuesday, February 6, 2007

This is "conscious living"

Most people go through life accepting what comes their way. They believe that life just happens. John Lennon spoke for many people with his lyric, "Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans." Mighty disempowering thought. The thing is life is what you create it to be. Your belief system can be changed if you want to change it. The way to change your beliefs is to change your daily living patterns, i.e., your life style. One way to powerfully uncover your hidden beliefs about yourself and see your view of the world that keeps you stuck in monotony is to ask yourself questions. Health and happiness natually follow once you become the master asker in your life

Creating happiness does not involve a "how-to" system as much as it involves a "wake up and live" a conscious life style. Everything that exists in the world starts as thought. Every invention was first an idea in someone's imagination. Every action you take or fail to take was first something you thought about. Thought creates the world. Thought creates each person's individual world. What you think about events determines how you respond to events.

Imagine how differently you would experience each day with the knowledge you have control over how you respond to life events. What happens happens. Interestingly, in Japan there is one word that means both crisis and opportunity. The same event is a disaster to one person and an opportunity to another. How you choose to act or not act is up to you. Period. Life was never meant to be difficult. People, with their thoughts, make it hard or easy. How do you see life? Do you know that struggle is optional?
Ask yourself why you stay stuck in mediocrity or even worse?

Pay attention to your thoughts.. Stop and ask yourself what you were thinking when you experienced a certain emotion or reacted a certain way. You will uncover your unconscious way of life. When you experience the same events make a conscious choice to act differently. Ah! That is how simple it is to be in control and live on purpose. Life does not simply happen to us. Life happens to us exactly as we choose to experience it.

Source: http://greatselfesteem.blogspot.com/

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